

There is no physical contact between the therapist and the client. The therapist is a mental health professional and health coach, trained to provide in-depth psychotherapy and health and wellness coaching.  Currently, all services are being offered online via Doxy telemedicine software, which is HIPAA compliant and utilizes end-to-end encryption. See below for additional information about

Packages for individuals start at $28,000 which includes one 60-minute session per week, for 48 weeks.  Alternatively, this may be scheduled as two 60-minute sessions per week, for 24 weeks.  

Packages for couples* start at $48,500, which includes one 90-minute session per week for 48 weeks. Alternatively, this may be schedules as two 90-minute sessions per week, for 24 weeks.  *For information on packages including three or more partners, please contact me.

Packages for 3-day intensive treatments start at $12,000 for individuals and $22,000 for couples.  These are typically scheduled either Fri-Sat-Sun or Sat-Sun-Mon depending on what works best with our mutual schedules.  This will include four hours each day with a break as needed; in addition to "at home" assignments given at the end of each day.  
-Intensives can be done via Doxy or in-office depending on current CDC guidelines and clients' COVID-19 vaccination status. Therapist has been double vaccinated and has had a booster.  

*A 3-day intensive may be done in the comfort of your location, if you are able to provide a quiet, private space where we will be uninterrupted for the duration of that time.  There will also be an additional cost to cover the airfare, hotel and car rental for your therapist. 

About does not contain, display, transmit, process, view, or collect Protected Health Information (PHI) does not record any video or audio calls or save any chat messages at any time for any reason. They utilize the open standard WebRTC point-to-point NIST-approved AES 128 bit encryption for video & audio communication. uses full volume encryption and AES 256-bit standard encryption used on all data stored at rest on file servers with secure backups. All access to the interface (such as the dashboard, waiting room, and any public webpages) is secured over TLS 1.2+ (https), ensuring the information is encrypted.